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Ahoj comunidade Blua Discórdia apresenta a comunidade br seu pensamento rizomatico, misturando arte, educação, tecnologia e inclusão de diversas narrativas :)
imagem de não se ver
ocupação museografía viva das existências,
transmutadas em arte, o glitch não esconde o corre.
artesanías de lea no tear digital que torna possível
a desmaterialização dessas artistas no meta-avesso
de trans narrativasnovos inputs , necessários,
atravessamentos invisíveis para qualquer inteligência artificial."
imagens de não se ver, e se procurar no prompt encontra o bug.
corpas clamores vozes reais pedem o básico. muitas vozes,
cotidianas, humanas. insistencias, ocupações, residências,
na história perdida dessas paredes virtuais,
o relato retrato do presencial. escute através e convide-se a ver.
Introdução ao Problema - Web 3: Comunidade, Criatividade e Inclusão
Quando se discute a Web 3, a ênfase na comunidade e no engajamento é evidente. Contudo, surge um paradoxo entre o pensamento comunitário e o foco de mercado em produtos. Isso é refletido nos indicadores de investimento, que destacam uma alocação desproporcional de recursos em tecnologia, marketing e De-Fi, enquanto o desenvolvimento humano é negligenciado. Esta lacuna indica a necessidade urgente de uma mudança de paradigma, centrada nas pessoas.
Criatividade - Desconexão Entre Criativos e Desenvolvedores
A importância da criatividade na construção de novos paradigmas é inegável. No entanto, uma desconexão persiste entre criativos e desenvolvedores. Esta lacuna resulta na falta de investimento em desenvolvimento humano, evidenciada pela dificuldade dos criativos em participar de hackathons e na necessidade de integrar criatividade e desenvolvimento para construir comunidades sólidas no ecossistema.
Inclusão - Demandas Contemporâneas e Tecnologias Artesanais
A inclusão é uma exigência contemporânea, fundamental para a saúde das comunidades. A diversidade torna-se crucial, e é fora dos contextos hegemônicos que soluções criativas e tecnologias artesanais florescem. A mudança de paradigma só é possível na diversidade, onde tecnologias análogas à Web 3 são descobertas em estratégias comunitárias de resistência.
Solução: Visão de Futuro na Techno Economia [NFTrans Coin]
Imaginamos um futuro onde comunidades são descentralizadas, autonomia é priorizada, e informações e riquezas circulam livremente. A implementação da moeda comunitária, economia regenerativa e uma meta-estrutura replicável e open source são fundamentais. O primeiro passo para isso é a redução das desigualdades, com um investimento de 680 NFTrans Coins.
Antimétodo - Processo Educativo e Decolonial de Inclusão Recíproca
O Antimétodo é um processo educativo e decolonial de inclusão recíproca. O curso de Arte Digital em NFT, disponível em, destaca a importância da capacitação para builders sobre acessibilidade trans e a inclusão digital na Web 3.0 para pessoas trans.
Vantagens para Investidores:
- Formação de um mercado consumidor potencial.
- Acesso a conteúdos sobre acessibilidade trans.
- Contribuição significativa para o mercado, promovendo criatividade e diversidade.
- Desenvolvimento da inteligência emocional e capital cultural.
Contribuição para o Futuro:
- Impacto positivo na saúde mental por meio de novas tecnologias.
- Construção de uma sociedade descentralizada, transparente e respeitosa das liberdades individuais.
- NFTrans como uma força transformadora na criação de uma comunidade respeitosa e inclusiva.
Conclusão: NFTrans - Nossa Força Transforma
NFTrans Core:
- CEO: lea arafah
- VP: ritamaria
CTO: afka
5 Divas Paralelas:
- Bianca Kalutor
- Sofia Lima
- Uru
- Natt Matt
- Blua Discórdia
Acesse a exposição no
NFTrans state
Serving Transdisciplinar Art on web3 with Solana and multi-chain Future Features
The Lack of implementation is part of the content of this pratical reaserch of Building NFTrans since 2nd June 20223 on NFT Brasil, Sao Paulo.
Introduction to the Problem - Web 3: Community, Creativity, and Inclusion
Artistic Statement:
onboard does not exist for the trans community
What exists are scary narratives
Pitch Deck:
Community -
Paradox between community and market
Greater investment in technology, marketing, and DeFi
Lack of investment in human development
Need for a paradigm shift
When talking about Web 3, there's a significant focus on community and engagement. A paradox is observed between community-oriented thinking and a market focus on product indicators such as investments in marketing, DeFi, and development (technology). Investing in human development means understanding community and decentralized processes, highlighting the power of Web 3.0. There is a need for a paradigm shift, focusing on the individual.
Creativity -
Disconnection between creatives and developers
Importance of creativity in building new paradigms
The lack of investment in human development is reflected in the difficulty creatives face in participating in hackathons, connecting development and creativity. The importance of these processes for new community constructions within the ecosystem is emphasized.
Inclusion -
Inclusion is a demand of contemporaneity
Diversity is necessary for the health of communities
Handcrafted technologies and creative solutions outside hegemonic contexts
A paradigm shift is only possible through diversity, crucial for community health. Outside hegemonic contexts, excluded individuals find survival paths through community strategies. In their resistance, handcrafted technologies are discovered, analogous to Web 3.
Solution: Future Vision in Techno-Economics [NFTrans Coin]
Decentralized community
Community currency
A future with a decentralized community, autonomy, information and wealth circulation, implementation of a community currency, regenerative economy, a replicable open-source meta-structure, etc.
First step:
Reducing inequalities - investment via NFTs
**NFTrans Coin: Description of the Community Currency**
The **NFTrans Coin** is a community currency designed to strengthen bonds within specific communities, with a primary focus on the transportation and mobility sector. This cryptocurrency aims to provide benefits to both users and service providers, creating a more efficient and equitable financial ecosystem. Here is a more detailed description: ""
1. **Objective and Purpose:**
- The NFTrans Coin was created to promote efficiency and sustainability in the transportation sector. It seeks to facilitate financial transactions and encourage sustainable practices within the community of transportation users and service providers.
2. **Decentralization and Transparency:**
- Operating on a blockchain platform, the coin ensures a decentralized and transparent system. All transactions are recorded immutably, contributing to user trust and security.
3. **Incentives for Sustainability:**
- NFTrans Coin incorporates mechanisms that incentivize sustainable practices. Special discounts or rewards may be granted to users and companies adopting ecological measures, such as vehicle sharing or the use of more sustainable modes of transportation.
4. **Integration with Transportation Services:**
- The coin is designed to seamlessly integrate with various transportation services, including ride-sharing apps, public transportation companies, and even innovative blockchain-based mobility solutions.
5. **Community Participation:**
- NFTrans Coin values active community participation. Decisions regarding coin updates, feature implementations, and sustainable initiatives are made collaboratively, giving all participants an active voice in community development.
6. **Incentive Programs:**
- Incentive programs, such as referral rewards, transaction discounts, and special promotions, are incorporated to motivate ongoing engagement and use of NFTrans Coin.
7. **Security and Privacy:**
- The coin employs advanced encryption techniques to ensure transaction security and protect user privacy. Participant identities are safeguarded, fostering a secure and trustworthy environment.
8. **User-Friendly Interface:**
- An intuitive interface and user-friendly apps make NFTrans Coin easy to use, ensuring accessibility for a wide range of users, regardless of their experience with cryptocurrencies.
NFTrans Coin is more than just a currency; it is a tool to transform how communities perceive and interact with transportation, promoting sustainability and social cohesion.
680 NFTrans coins solve our problem:
Antimethod -
Educational and decolonial process of reciprocal inclusion
Link to course
Seed capital to create the possible field - an antimethod of reciprocal inclusion focusing on trans employability in Web 3. Investment is necessary to overcome socio-economic and cultural obstacles that exclude, invisibilize, and harm trans individuals.
Application - Antimethod:
Educational decolonial process on two fronts
√ Training for builders on trans accessibility
√ Digital accessibility and onboarding in Web 3.0 (devices and language) for trans individuals
Advantages for Investors:
- Formation of a potential consumer market
- Access to content on trans accessibility
- Significant contribution to the market through creativity and diverse repertoire
- Development of emotional intelligence and cultural capital
Contribution to the Future:
- Positive impact on mental health through new technologies.
- Building a decentralized, transparent, and respectful society of individual freedoms.
- NFTrans as a transformative force in creating a respectful and inclusive community.
Conclusion: NFTrans - Our Force Transforms
NFTrans Core -
[CEO] + Lea Arafah
[VP] + Ritamaria
[CTO] + Afka
Blua Discordia, also known as Lea Arafah, is a meta-diva Travesti, White, and Neurodiverse individual, holding degrees in Gastronomy (Fpolis 2008) and Music Therapy (Fpolis 2018). As a self-taught Musician and Transdisciplinary Artist, Blua's artistic expression is described as Antimethod, weaving together various disciplines such as Glitch art, Experimental Music, and Pop.
Blua has actively participated in technopedagogical experiences with Ritamaria at NFTrans, as well as collaborations in mixtapes, like blua_disco_orgia, influenced by Hiphop. Living a nomadic life from 2009 to 2013, she traveled through 20 countries and engaged in artistic residencies in locations like Lisbon, the Czech Republic, Vietnam, South Korea, Cambodia, and others.
In the crypto space, Blua has been a panelist at social impact events like "NEARCON 22" (Lisbon 2022) and "NFT São Paulo" (2022), as well as other events like "Breakout," "Ethrio 23," "SPCryptoHub," and "NFT Brasil" in 2023.
Beyond her artistic pursuits, Blua has experience as a DAO manager, founding the Nomade Label DAO and becoming Moderator of Creatives DAO on NEAR in 2022. Presently, she coordinates transdisciplinary cultural initiatives at NFTrans, fostering reciprocal inclusion for diversity.
4 Parallel Divas:
Bonus Track:Natt Maat Agua TinyDesk Japuanga
Access to exhibition at
Our DAO on Polygon:
Chá com Bolo Report 23
Chá com Bolo NFTrans I
Chá com Bolo NFTrans II
NEAR_era 22
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